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How to implement Particle Network's Smart Wallet-as-a-Service for AA-enabled social logins

Community member contribution

Shoutout to @TABASCOatw for contributing the following third-party document!

Particle Network is the Intent-Centric, Modular Access Layer of Web3. With Particle's Wallet-as-a-Service, developers can curate a Web2-like user experience through modular and customizable embedded wallet components. Using MPC-TSS for key management, Particle can streamline user onboarding via familiar Web2 accounts—such as Google accounts, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Arbitrum was one of the first blockchains supported by Particle Network's Smart Wallet-as-a-Service. Because of this, Particle Network has extensive support for:

  • Arbitrum One, through:
    • EOA (non-AA social login)
    • SimpleAccount
    • Biconomy (V1 and V2)
    • Light Account
    • Cyber Account
  • Arbitrum Nova, through:
    • EOA (non-AA social login)
    • SimpleAccount
    • Biconomy (V1 and V2)

Alongside a similar degree of support for Arbitrum Goerli and Sepolia.

Given its modular architecture, developers have the liberty to choose which of the above smart account implementations they onboard a user into after the social login process.

The user flow with Particle Network begins with social logins (using either a custom authentication or preset login methods provided by Particle Network), which leads to the generation of an EOA through MPC-TSS. This EOA is then used as a Signer for a smart account implementation that best fits the needs of the application in question (natively, this means a choice between SimpleAccount, Biconomy V1/V2, Light Account, and Cyber Account). A visualization of this process can be found below:

This document will go through the high-level process of creating a demo application on Arbitrum Sepolia using Particle Network's Smart Wallet-as-a-Service (specifically the Particle Auth Core SDK alongside Particle's AA SDK). Within the app, we'll onboard a user into a SimpleAccount instance via a social login and execute a gasless (sponsored) transaction.

Getting started

Throughout this guide, we'll be segmenting the configuration and utilization of these SDKs between two files: index.tsx and App.tsx. Thus, we'll be building an application through a standard create-react-app structure. However, if you intend to use an alternative framework, such as Next.js, this same process will be largely applicable (extrapolating to your setup).


Before installing your dependencies, it's important to note that Particle Network's Modular Smart Wallet-as-a-Service isn't contained in one singular SDK. Rather, it refers to the combined usage of Particle Auth Core (to facilitate social logins leading to EOAs) and Particle's AA SDK (to take the EOA returned by Particle Auth Core and use it as a Signer for a smart account).

Understanding this, you'll need to install the following libraries:

  • @particle-network/auth-core-modal, for social logins (can be substituted by @particle-network/connectkit for a RainbowKit-like connection modal).
  • @particle-network/aa, to assign and interact with a smart account.
  • @particle-network/chains, for connecting with Arbitrum Sepolia.

To do this, run one of the two following commands at the root of your project:

yarn add @particle-network/auth-core-modal @particle-network/aa @particle-network/chains

# OR

npm install @particle-network/auth-core-modal @particle-network/aa @particle-network/chains

Setting up the Particle dashboard

Before jumping into the configuration process, you'll need to go to the Particle dashboard to retrieve three values required for your project.

When using any SDK offered by Particle Network, you'll routinely need a projectId, clientKey, and appId. These exist to authenticate your project and create a connection between your instance of Particle Auth and the Particle dashboard (which allows you to customize the application-embedded modals, track users, fund your Paymaster, and so on).

Once you've navigated to the Particle dashboard, follow the process below:

  1. Create a new project through "Add New Project".
  2. Click "Web" under "Your Apps" (if you intend to use an alternative platform, take a look at the platform-specific guides on Particle's documentation)
  3. Choose a name and domain for your application (if you have yet to deploy or decide on a domain where you intend to deploy, feel free to use any filler one).
  4. Copy the Project ID, Client Key and App ID.

Given the nature of these values, it's recommended that you store them within .env variables, such as REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID, REACT_APP_CLIENT_KEY, and REACT_APP_APP_ID (or NEXT_PUBLIC_{}_ID).

Configuring Particle Auth Core

As mentioned, we'll break the integration process into two components, each attached to a file within a standard create-react-app structure.

  • index.tsx, our starting point In this example, the index file will be used as the source file for the configuration/initialization of Particle Auth Core.
  • App.tsx. After setting up index.tsx, we'll organize all of the core application-level logic (such as the facilitation of social login) within our App component.

Particle Auth Core is configured by one component: AuthCoreContextProvider, which takes a number of required (projectId, clientKey, appId) and optional values.

AuthCoreContextProvider should wrap the primary component where you intend to use Particle Auth Core. In this case, that's our App component (from App.tsx).

Therefore, within our index file, we'll render a constructed instance of AuthCoreContextProvider so that we can (as the name suggests) provide context to the component wrapped within it (App).

In this example, we'll be defining the following parameters for AuthCoreContextProvider.

  • projectId, clientKey, and appId. We previously retrieved these from the Particle dashboard.
  • erc4337, to dictate which type of smart account will be shown on the (optional) embedded wallet modal after login.
    • name, the name of the smart account implementation you intend on using. In this example, we'll be using "SIMPLE".
    • version, the version of the smart account implementation you intend on using. This should generally be 1.0.0 unless you're using Biconomy V2 (in which this should be 2.0.0).
  • wallet, for customizing the (optional) embedded wallet modal.
    • visible, a Boolean determining whether or not the embedded wallet modal is shown or not. If set to false, the user will rely on the functions you provide them within your application to interact with the generated wallet.
    • customStyle, for more targeted, narrowly-defined customizations (ignore this if you're setting visible to false).
      • supportChains, the chains you'd like the modal to support. In this case, we'll be using ArbitrumSepolia, imported from @particle-network/chains.

With these configurations set, Particle Auth Core will be initialized and, therefore, ready to be utilized within your App.tsx file. At this point, your index.tsx file (or its equivalent) should look similar to the example below.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { ArbitrumSepolia } from '@particle-network/chains';
import { AuthCoreContextProvider } from '@particle-network/auth-core-modal';
import App from './App';

// Optional, not always needed
import('buffer').then(({ Buffer }) => {
window.Buffer = Buffer;

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(
projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID, // --
clientKey: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_KEY, // Retrieved from
appId: process.env.REACT_APP_APP_ID, // --
erc4337: {
// Optional
name: 'SIMPLE', // The smart account you intend to use
version: '1.0.0', // Leave as 1.0.0 unless you're using Biconomy V2
wallet: {
// Optional
visible: true, // Whether or not the embedded wallet modal is shown
customStyle: {
supportChains: [ArbitrumSepolia], // Locking the modal to Arbitrum Sepolia
<App /> // Where you're utilizing Particle Auth Core

Building the application

Now that you've set up your project, installed the relevant dependencies, and configured Particle Auth Core, you're ready to move over to your App.tsx file.

Within App.tsx, you'll be defining all of the login methods for the application itself (such as the initiation of social login). As mentioned, this will be done by combining @particle-network/auth-core-modal and @particle-network/aa.

Managing hooks

@particle-network/auth-core-modal operates off of hooks such as useEthereum (used to pull an EIP-1193 provider in this example), useConnect (to facilitate social login), useAuthCore (here used for retrieving user information post-login), etc.

Therefore, within the first few lines of your App component, you'll need to define the following objects derived from the hooks mentioned above:

  • provider from useEthereum.
  • connect and disconnect from useConnect.
  • userInfo from useAuthCore.

Defining SmartAccount

While we could use these hooks on their own to facilitate interaction with the associated EOA directly, we'll be using a smart account here. Therefore, we'll need to create a SmartAccount object (imported from @particle-network/aa) using our provider (which is attached to our EOA) object to define a Signer.

Outside of provider, we'll pass the following parameters into our new instance of SmartAccount:

  • projectId, clientKey, and appId. These will be the same values you used within AuthCoreContextProvider, retrieved from the Particle dashboard.
  • aaOptions, used to configure the smart account implementation you'd like to use. This contains accountContracts, which takes:
      • chainIds, the chains you plan on using. In this case, we'll use
      • version, the version of the smart account you're using. Similar to AuthCoreContextProvider, this should be 1.0.0 unless you use Biconomy V2.

Therefore, your instance of SmartAccount should follow the structure within the example below.

const smartAccount = new SmartAccount(provider, {
projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID,
clientKey: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_KEY,
appId: process.env.REACT_APP_APP_ID,
aaOptions: {
accountContracts: {
SIMPLE: [{ chainIds: [], version: '1.0.0' }],

The object you save this instance within (smartAccount in the snippet above) can be used alone to construct and execute UserOperations; although, in this example, we'll be plugging it into a custom Ethers object. By doing this, we'll be able to construct and send transactions as within any other standard application scenario, although instead routing them through an MPC-powered smart account.

This will be done through AAWrapProvider from @particle-network/aa, allowing us to convert smartAccount into an EIP-1193 provider object to be used within ethers.providers.Web3Provider, as shown below.

const customProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(
new AAWrapProvider(smartAccount, SendTransactionMode.Gasless),

Within the constructor of AAWrapProvider, we're also using SendTransactionMode.Gasless (which can be imported from @particle-network/aa) to ensure that all UserOperations sent through this object (customProvider) will be sponsored (or attempted to be).

Initiating social login

Using Particle Auth Core, facilitating social logins is quite simple. Calling back to the connect function defined from useConnect earlier, we'll be wrapping this within a simple function, handleLogin.

connect will work on its own, handling the entire social login process; although to prevent it from being called while a user may already be logged in, we'll place it behind a conditional within handleLogin.

This conditional will check the truthy/falsy value of userInfo (from useAuthCore), which will remain undefined until a user has successfully logged in. Thus, we can call connect on the condition that userInfo is undefined (indicating that they have yet to log in).

Within connect, we'll need to define two key parameters:

  • socialType, the social login mechanism you'd like to use (such as 'google', 'twitter', 'email', 'phone', 'github'). If this is left as an empty string, a generalized authentication modal aggregating every option will be shown.
  • chain, the chain we'll be connecting to. This should be ArbitrumSepolia (or ArbitrumOne, ArbitrumNova, ArbitrumGoerli).

Upon calling handleLogin, the user will be taken through the defined social login mechanism, after which an EOA will be generated (using MPC-TSS) and assigned to the smart account configured previously.

Your usage of connect may look something like this (although, as mentioned, it can be used in isolation if preferred).

const handleLogin = async (authType) => {
if (!userInfo) {
await connect({
socialType: authType,
chain: ArbitrumSepolia,

Executing a gasless transaction

At this point, a user has logged in through their social account and been assigned a smart account. We'll need to build a simple function to test it, specifically through a gasless transaction.

Because we're using Ethers, this can be a simple transaction construction and execution, using the sendTransaction method on a signer object from {your provider object}.getSigner().

This method will take a standard transaction object. In this case, we'll simply define an object containing:

  • to, the recipient of the transaction. We can set this to 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD for the sake of the demo.
  • value, the amount of ETH you'd like to send to the recipient address.

This object (we'll define it as tx) can then be passed into signer.sendTransaction(tx). Upon calling, the user will be asked to confirm a transaction (sign a UserOperation hash) through an embedded popup within your application. After doing so, the transaction will be executed on-chain.

Following the example described above, your function may look similar to the snippet shown below.

const executeUserOp = async () => {
const signer = customProvider.getSigner();

const tx = {
to: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD',
value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.001'),

const txResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(tx);
const txReceipt = await txResponse.wait();

message: 'Transaction Successful',
description: (
Transaction Hash:{' '}
rel="noopener noreferrer"

This transaction will be gasless because we're meeting two conditions. The first is whether or not we've expressed that this transaction should be sponsored (done earlier by including SendTransactionMode.Gasless within AAWrapProvider). The second condition is the existence of adequate funds to sponsor the transaction. Because we're on a Testnet (Arbitrum Sepolia), all transactions are automatically sponsored without the need to deposit USDT. However, if this were on Arbitrum One or Arbitrum Nova, the Paymaster shown on the Particle dashboard would need to be funded.


Building an application on Arbitrum that takes advantage of social logins and smart accounts simultaneously only takes a few lines of code, and is even more succinct if you're already using Ethers, Web3.js, or any other standard library that supports EIP-1193 providers.

To view the complete demo application leveraging the code snippets covered throughout this document, take a look at the GitHub repository here.

Additionally, to learn more about Particle Network, explore the following resources: